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"We can’t imagine going back to the way we did it before. It’s so much simpler now."

Kim Henderson AFO, Recreation Supervisor/Aquatics
Foothills Park & Recreation District, Littleton, CO

Optimizing Efficiency

Wanting to streamline staff scheduling across six swimming pool facilities, Foothills Park and Recreation District springs off the starting blocks with DigiQuatics.

There’s An App for That

Looking for higher efficiency with scheduling staff, Foothills decided to try DigiQuatics for their staff scheduling challenges and send inneficient tools to the locker room. Staff Scheduling has been a heavy and involved process across six facilities in the peak of the summer. By leveraging mobile technology by utilizing the DigiQuatics platform, Foothills has been able to greatly reduce their workload. Corey Erwin, Aquatics Specialist at Foothills, explains, “DigiQuatics has cut down the workload in building the staff schedule and making changes. It has been so much easier to make schedule changes clear to the staff using DigiQuatics.”

Customer Driven Design

Corey states, “My fellow pool managers and all of our employees are impressed that the DigiQuatics team is continuing to refine and improve the software. In doing so, they get input from me and our pool managers to learn what we want so they can build exactly to our needs.” It’s apparent that the core philosophy at DigiQuatics is building the software around the critical needs of our customers.

Customer Service Is Key

Kim Henderson, Recreation Supervisor at Foothills, describes, “The experience with DigiQuatics has been great. They have been very responsive and any issues or bugs have been addressed immediately. There are a lot of “apps” out there and generally you don’t hear a word back about any issues we voice.” DigiQuatics is committed to helping every staff member, from the Lifeguards to the Recreation Supervisor, to be successful in their aquatics profession. Corey sums up the relationship between Foothills and DigiQuatics as, ”The DigiQuatics team is so responsive to our staff that it results in less work for us in management of the pools.”

About Foothills Park and Recreation District

Foothills Park and Recreation District is located in Littleton, CO at the base of the Rocky Mountains. Foothills has two indoor year-round pools and four outdoor seasonal pools that utilize DigiQuatics to streamline and centralize their swimming pool operations.

Foothills Park and Recreation District

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